Below you’ll see our best EPECOUSA Technologies. if you have a question don’t hesitate to email us at for more details.
EP.RO S-Seawater Desalination Plants.
EP.RO B-Brackish Water Desalination Plants.
EP.ROWPU-Water Purification Plants for Battle Field.
E.PURE-Water Purification Plants for Most Demanding Areas.
EP.MBR-Domestic & Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants.
EP.MarincelST-Wastewater Treatment for Ship and Marine Vessels.
EP.DAF-Dissolved Air Flotation Plants
EP.UASB-Upflow Anarobic Sludge Blanket Bioreactors.
EP.SOIL.KlEEN- Thermal Desorption Systems.
EP.MSW.SORT- Municipal Solid Waste Sorting Systems.
EP.MEDI-Thermal Oxidizers for Hazardous Waste Disposal.
Pyrolysis Reactors-Tires & Hydrocarbon Energy Recycling Plants
Zero-Waste Farming
EP.SPIRU.PBR-Photo Bioreactors